On July 3-5, 2018, collegiate and alumnae Tri Delta sisters gathered at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, Texas, to celebrate Tri Delta’s 58th Biennial Convention! Representing the Houston Alumnae Chapter were LuAnn Daniel, Villanova, Janice Dueitt, Stephen. F. Austin, Kristin Lamb, Texas, Brandy Pugh, Texas A&M, Trisha Peplinski-Harvey, Westminster, Lynn Ramos, LSU and Krista Telljohann, Rose-Hullman
The theme of Convention was a Fraternity commitment to kindness. Our Purpose calls us to live, learn and lead, which requires us to be brave, bold and kind. These phrases have come to define us and let the world know who we are and what we do. Our renewed commitment to kindness includes Tri Delta's introduction of the mantra Live Kind. Lead Kind. By focusing on kindness in our philosophy, philanthropy, programs and policies, we believe Tri Delta can become a catalyst for change on our campuses, in our communities and in the world.
“For kindness to prevail it will take all of us. Brave, bold and kind women who have learned how to live and lead with Purpose,” said Kimberlee DiFede Sullivan, Pepperdine. “Kindness has been woven into the fabric of Tri Delta since our founding. It is part of who we are and now, more than ever, it’s how we are being asked to show up in the world.”
Tri Delta celebrated its brave, bold and kind members at the Cerulean Celebration Awards Gala. Houston Tri Delta was thrilled to received the Excellence in Philanthropy with Purpose Award, which recognizes the top alumnae chapters who exhibit an unselfish and steadfast commitment to leading the way in philanthropic endeavors to benefit the Tri Delta Foundation, local children’s cancer charities and initiatives and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Houston Tri Delta raised $405,000 over the past biennium through the SALE.
Administrative President Brandy Pugh represented Houston Tri Delta Alumnae at the Business Meeting, where chapter delegates voted on 31 Bylaws amendments and elected Tri Delta’s leadership for the 2018-20 biennium. Amendments included the creation of the Fraternity Membership Status Committee, an update removing the requirement for references in recruitment.
If you are ready to Bring You and are interested in serving Tri Delta as leader, please use this form to self-nominate or refer a potential Fraternity leader to Tri Delta's Leadership Development Committee. The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is responsible for evaluating and cultivating Fraternity leaders for service in elected and appointed positions. The Houston Alumnae Chapter volunteers that attended Convention would be more than happy to tell you more about these wonderful opportunities to serve