Writing a Reference or Making a Referral
We are blessed that our alumnae wish to be involved in the reference process. Writing a reference or making a referral is not required for membership in Tri Delta, however, both provide valuable information to help the collegiate chapter learn more about a potential new member (PNM) and are used by some chapters at their discretion.
An online reference form should be completed and submitted. This form can be accessed at the national Tri Delta website or through our reference page. To submit a reference or to learn about the process of submitting a reference or referral, please proceed with the following process below:
Login to your account and follow the prompts to submit the reference form.
Have their digital documents and photo easily accessible to attach and upload on the reference form.
IMPORTANT: Please email our local recruitment chair at DDDhoustonreferences@gmail.com with a copy of all digital information including resume, transcript and photos. Letters of support are not needed for The University of Texas or Texas A&M but are encouraged by other schools. In the email subject line, please include PNM’s name and university.

Tri Delta Legacies
Tri Delta no longer officially recognizes legacies (daughters, sisters, step-daughters, or step-sisters of Tri Delta members) but does make note of the PNM’s familial relationship with Tri Delta, should one exist.
Please remember that each collegiate chapter handles legacies and familial relationships differently. We have no control over the collegiate chapters and their policies.
Events for Legacies and PNMs:
The Houston Alumnae Chapter hosts a party each year and includes area legacies. The Pine Party is held each year around the Christmas holidays and is held primarily in honor of current Tri Delta collegians and their mothers. High school junior and senior legacies and their mothers are also invited.
Houston Panhellenic hosts a Recruitment Roundtable each February for mothers and daughters to encourage participation in the recruitment and membership recruitment process, to educate prospective new members and to answer questions regarding the women's fraternity system.

Reference Committee
Several alumnae have made themselves available to assist you with any questions you may have
(The only universities that have alumnae assigned to them for this recruitment year are UT, A&M, TCU and LSU. )
For more information, please contact info@houstontridelta.com.
University of Texas at Austin
Texas A&M University
Keely Moore
Heather Blocker Orme