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Chapter-Wide Events

Our chapter-wide events are listed below for the 2023-2024 year. Please don't hesitate to contact one of the chapter officers or committee chairs if you would like to volunteer, participate, or be placed on a specific email list. Additional events or updated information will be posted in the chapter newsletter. All Houston Alumnae Chapter members are invited to attend. 

Fall Membership Party
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Founders' Day
Pine Party

Our annual membership party takes place every September to kick off a fun year of sisterhood. Deltas can expect to enjoy sweet treats, light bites, and wine at a member's beautiful home. 

Thank you for joining us at the 2023 Fall Membership Party at Chris Ammons' home! We look forward to seeing you next year.

Tri Delta's Founders' Day celebrates the founding of our Fraternity at Boston University on November 27, 1888. The chapter also recognized Houston sisters eligible for membership as the newest Diamond, Golden, and Silver Circle members, honoring their commitment to Tri Delta for 75, 50, and 25 years respectively. 

Founders' Day is celebrated in November and will feature a special celebration for our Centennial year in 2023.

The Houston Alumnae Chapter hosts the Pine Party each year to celebrate our collegiate members from the Houston area.

Thank you for attending Pine Party on June 24. See you next year!

Wine Tasting

Our annual Wine Tasting is the spring social event for the Tri Delta Houston Alumnae Chapter and is traditionally held in mid-February.


The event attracts sisters of all ages and includes light bites and wine comparisons. 


Thank you to Wyn Michals and Kelsey Ralph for planning a successful tasting for 2023. 


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Pansy Brunch
The Sale

Tri Delta’s tradition of celebrating our sisterhood and alumnae Circle Degree is a distinct privilege of our alumnae chapter to celebrate what we now refer to as “Pansy Brunch”. Our incoming slate is announced and voted into office at this event as well.


Thank you Terri and Marlee Tarwater for chairing this Centennial year at Tootsies.

Presented by Houston Tri Delta Philanthropies, Inc. The Sale is a three-day shopping event featuring 50+ boutiques and brands with drastically reduced merchandise. In January 2024, The Sale celebrated its 10th anniversary and raised more than $400,000.  

Thank you for attending The Sale. We hope to see you in January 2025.

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