A Perpetual Bond of Friendship

Dear Tri Delta Sisters,
As a young woman newly initiated in Tri Delta, it’s hard to imagine an existence beyond the collegiate experience. As a young alumnae, pondering life into the next decade seems daunting.
We have had the opportunity through involvement in the Houston Alumnae Chapter to see clearly the lifetime value that Tri Delta gives its members. And because of that, we are honored and humbled to serve as your co-presidents for the 2023-2024 year.
Our Houston Alumnae Chapter is thriving. With nearly 350 dues paying members, vibrant special interest groups, four annual chapter-wide events, and a phenomenal philanthropic event, it’s safe to say that our organization is flourishing. Let’s continue keeping our sisterhood strong in numbers to continue our perpetual bond of friendship!
Your membership in the Houston Alumnae Chapter is more than just a check. It is a pledge to perpetuate the legacy of our founders. It’s a promise to the young women destined for membership in Tri Delta -- that with their oath of membership, follows a lifetime opportunity to foster Tri Delta’s values of truth, self-sacrifice and friendship.
We are grateful for your continued membership and your enduring commitment to uphold and promote Tri Delta’s longstanding legacy.
Delta Love,
Lee-Taylor Sharman
Texas Christian University '99
Administrative President
Madelyn April
University of Oklahoma '08
Alumnae Experience President
Join us as a Dues Paying Member
We respect the fact that our members' level of involvement within their alumnae lifetime will vary. There are no required meetings or required hours to be a member of the Houston Alumnae Chapter. Membership includes:
Sisterhood and Professional Networking
Four annual chapter wide social events
Invitation to participate in six diverse special interest groups
Monthly chapter e-newsletter
Access to the digital chapter directory and "Members Only" side of our website
Our membership year runs May 1 through April 30, but it's never too late to join! There is an August 1 deadline to be included in the directory, but you may join at any time to take advantage of the many fun alumnae activities throughout the year.
Membership Levels
Recent Graduate (alumnae members who graduated between 2022-2024) - $32
Annual Member - $62
Life Loyal Annual Member - $34
Golden Circle Member (Members initiated in 1972 or earlier) -$57
Life Loyal Golden Circle Member - $29
If you have any questions, please email nova84ddd@yahoo.com or view the visual instructions here.